Sustainable Development
Sustainabe economic growth, achieved with respect for all stakeholders and the environment, is the goal of every company. Maintaining the long-term natural, social, and economic balance is the only way for a company to help protect and build our future. By deciding to implement a sustainable business strategy transformation, Škrlj has made the first steps towards joining this group of companies.
Solar panel system SE3 Škrlj Batuje
At Škrlj, implementing our sustainable and environmentally-friendly business strategy is one of our priorities. We've made it our goal to reduce CO2 emissions and thus create a better environment, which is why we search for innovative solutions that lead to a cleaner atmosphere and lower energy consumption. That is why we decided to set up a solar panel system at our business premises in Batuje, which will increase the use of sustainable energy for our buildings and for the business processes that take place there. This is our third solar power plant.
The operation is carried out within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014-2020, priority axis Sustainable consumption and production of energy and smart grids, investment priority Promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources, specific objective Increase the share of RES in final energy consumption.
General objectives of the investment project:
- long-term reduction of energy consumption costs at business premises,
- long-term reduction of electricity costs,
- increasing the competitiveness of conducting business at the location in Batuje,
- reduction of energy consumption per unit of service,
- reduction of CO2 emissions,
- greater use of RES in the business process.
Specific objectives of the energy rehabilitation investment project:
- additional installed capacity for electricity generation (MW): 0.4871
- reduction of annual greenhouse gas emissions expressed in CO2 equivalents (tons/year): 274.71.
The value of the operation was €399,504.07. The operation was completed in September 2023.
The investment is financed with own funds/founder's funds (€319,603.26) and funds from the EU Cohesion Fund (€79,900.81).
Škrlj's sustainable business strategy 2020 – 2025
In 2019, the SK Škrlj company joined the program The Academy of Sustainable Business Strategies and models (Akademija TPSMP), carried out by the public agency SPIRIT Slovenija. During the first part (Part A), a ŠKRLJ team, under the guidance of Mrs. Tatjana Fink, developed a sustainable business strategy transformation for 2020-2025. That is how we created a sustainable business strategy, which, in the long run, will benefit the society, the environment, and the economy, while also increasing the company's business success.
TPSTP ACADEMY Škrlj d.o.o., September 2019 - March 2020 (video)
Our strategy is based on the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which was adopted on September 25, 2015, and presents a general framework linking the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social, and environmental. The 17 sustainable development goals were adopted as part of this Agenda.
While designing our sustainable business strategy, we also made sure to bear in mind Slovenia's sustainable development goals, based on the documents Vision of Slovenia 2050, Smart Specialisation Strategy, Slovenia 2030 Strategy, Business Excellence 2030 Strategy and Active Ageing Strategy.
The sustainable development goals we have deemed as the most important for our company are:
- good health and well-being in all life stages,
- quality and equal education, as well as lifelong learning opportunities,
- gender equality,
- sustainable management of water resources,
- achieving sustainable and inclusive economic growth, full and productive employment, as well as decent work for all,
- building sustainable infrastructure,
- promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation,
- providing open, safe, and sustainable cities and communities,
- ensuring sustainable production and consumption.
Creating quality human relations
We realize we live in a codependent society and creating profit is not our only responsibilty. We have an obligation to our employees, business partners, community, and environment. We encourage innovation, as well as personal and professional growth. With the introduction of new technologies, we try to reduce unnecessary risks in the workplace, as well as regularly monitor and reduce any negative impacts work might have on our employees' health.
Environmental protection
Our company follows all environmental protection regulations and legal requirements. We make sure to monitor and systematically reduce substance release into the environment and our waste is separated. We strive for efficient energy use and are trying to implement renewable energy sources. In 2010, the company acquired the ISO 14001 certificate (environmental management standard).
Solar panel system
We are aware of the importance of our environment and its protection, which is why we are trying to systematically reduce energy consumption in our facilities. We have installed two solar panel systems atop our production facilities: they produce 360 MWh of electrical energy per year (25 % of our energy consumption), which we plan to improve in the future.

Our values
Responsibility and reliability
We take responsibility for our work, results, and behavior. We act responsibly towards the natural environment. We promote a healthy lifestyle.
We build long-term relationships with our colleagues and business partners. We respect fellow human beings and the environment. We partner with local communities and businesses.
Through our work and behavior, we build an honest attitude towards ourselves, our colleagues, and our business partners.
Creativity and innovation
We create new ideas and come up with improvements in our field of work. We strive for continuous product, process, technology, work organization, as well as work and customer relationship improvement. We develop sustainable solutions for process equipment, as well as automated and robotic technology in all critical workplaces.
We want to be the best at what we do. We encourage open and forward thinking and work. Each individual is a messenger and motivator of a sustainable approach in business and the local community.
Our vision
We are a leading manufacturer of process equipment for customers operating in the most demanding industrial sectors.